Jordan, Jesse GO!
What is the dumbest show you can imagine? This award-winning show may be dumber. It has no content. No format. Yet it's going on ten years of delighting hundreds of thousands of people. It's been an iTunes editors choice, and Rolling Stone picked it as one of the world's best comedy podcasts. It's light in the dark, comfort in the cold and a penguin in the pants (long story). Join hosts Jesse Thorn (NPR's Bullseye) and Jordan Morris (Comedy Central's @Midnight) and a celebrity guest on a raucous, vulgar and warm-hearted romp that will probably leave you a better person. And will certainly make you dumber.

Chris Fairbanks and Karen Kilgariff join Jordan and Jesse for a live episode taped at the LA Podcasting Festival.

Direct download: jjgo281013_ep297.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:12pm PST

Comedian and podcaster Michelle Biloon joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Michelle's terrifying experience with pony rides, Jesse's search for a preschool, and Jordan's bewilderment over an oddly placed billboard.  Plus, Bucky Sinister calls in to help judge the Jordan Morris Poetry Contest.

Direct download: jjgo211013_ep296.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Comedian and writer Hal Rudnick joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Hal's Penn State roots, Jordan's new commercial, and Jesse gives an update on his electronics repair man.

Direct download: jjgo101413_ep295.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST

Comedian Kimberly Clark joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of toasters, placenta eating, and the end of the Zune era.

Direct download: jjgo100713_ep294.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST