Jordan, Jesse GO!
What is the dumbest show you can imagine? This award-winning show may be dumber. It has no content. No format. Yet it's going on ten years of delighting hundreds of thousands of people. It's been an iTunes editors choice, and Rolling Stone picked it as one of the world's best comedy podcasts. It's light in the dark, comfort in the cold and a penguin in the pants (long story). Join hosts Jesse Thorn (NPR's Bullseye) and Jordan Morris (Comedy Central's @Midnight) and a celebrity guest on a raucous, vulgar and warm-hearted romp that will probably leave you a better person. And will certainly make you dumber.

Chelsea Davison (Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, @Midnight) joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of how even though Jesse is something of a dairy queen he can't drink a glass of milk on its own, Chelsea's friend's unbelievable hobby of "mermaiding," everyone's first cartoon crush, and the beautiful Sonic poem that Jordan saw on a bulletin board at a sandwich shop.

Direct download: jjgo181225_ep563a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Brendan Hay (Harvey Street Kids, Dawn of the Croods) joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the european soccer player villain in Cliffhanger who kicks people off the mountain, Brendan's desire to expand the roster of his new Netflix show based on Harvey Street characters to Casper, Richie Rich, and ultimately Baby Huey, and Jesse's deconstruction of the song Word Up by Cameo and how it cannot be about anything but a disfigured penis. Plus, Jordan asks an important question: is the culture more horny for Santa than usual this year?

Direct download: jjgo181218_ep562B.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Open Mike Eagle (Tights and Fights, What Happens When I Try to Relax album) joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Mike's popularity on the Hip Hop Heads Reddit despite his lack of face tattoos, why Jesse went big and bought a signature Ricky Henderson batting glove on eBay, and how Mike found himself in an actual professional wrestling match after a Twitter feud with a rapping wrestler.

Direct download: jjgo181211_ep561.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Glen Weldon (Pop Culture Happy Hour, The Caped Crusade Book) joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the specific pain of Glen felt taking phycology for his marine biology degree as someone who is color blind, the time Jordan had a fancy afternoon of expensive olive oil tasting but ended up feeling really greasy, and the detailed back stories of the porn actors who work out at Glen's gym. Plus, Jordan gets Glen to weigh in on his new signature segment, "Which Avatar sequel are you most excited about?"

Direct download: jjgo181204_ep560a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Helen Zaltzman (Answer Me This!, The Allusionistjoins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the overpriced poo museum (poo-seum) that Helen visited in New Zealand that didn't live up to it's theme, the Sega Genesis games that Jesse has trouble resisting at thrift stores, the lack of bedside manner in Helen's British healthcare providers, and Jordan's karaoke strategy for someone who is bad at karaoke.

Direct download: jjgo181127_ep559.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Freddie Wong (RocketJump YouTube, Storybreak podcast) joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the food porn that imprinted on them as children like The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food, the Halloween wealth gap that has changed the way children in 2018 trick or treat, Jordan’s misguided attempt to learn about CBD oil at his local weed shop and Freddie's persistent but unsuccessful attempts to get a Dairy Queen to to make him a discontinued Crunch Bar Blizzard with Crunch Bars he brings in from another establishment. Plus, Jordan unveils a new signature pop culture segment. We love this stuff!


Direct download: jjgo181120_ep558.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Travis McElroy joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Travis's new fancy (and possibly deadly) slippers he got for his trip to the Magic Castle and how it adds to his fall aesthetic of "Rogue Wizard," the time Travis's dad was frozen into a block of ice as a promotion for a car dealership, and a new memory that Jordan recently unearthed about his dad. Plus, everyone nominates someone they'd like to see as a non-canonical Doctor Who and then pinpoints the most prestigious or historic place they've taken a dump.

Direct download: jjgo181113_ep557a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Chris Gethard joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the crazy magazine Chris used to write for hunting down supernatural stories in New Jersey, the recent commercial Jordan saw that sold him on cooking up some Spam, the emotional conversations Chris has had with his father about his career through the years, and the time Chris frustrated a dominatrix with his notoriously small and inverted nipples.

Chris's new book, Lose Well, is out now!

Direct download: jjgo181106_ep556b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Virginia Jones joins Jordan and Jesse on this special sporktacular episode to talk about the horrifying audition notices she gets that are very specific about their pubic hair requirements, the truly terrifying crime-robbing that Jordan experienced this week and how it would be dramatically different if it happened last week, and the kaiju-centric museum exhibit that saved Jesse's weekend outing with his daughter.  Plus, Virginia dazzles everyone with her mathematical Dracula facts and a trick to foil vampires with a handful of rice.

Direct download: jjgo181030_ep555.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

David Malki!, creator of the webcomic Wondermark, joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of his dramatic mid-business foot injury, the phantom kim chee fried rice stink cloud following Jordan around, and the gorgeous note that a mail carrier found in a mailbox on the job. Plus, Jesse attempts some home repairs with juicy results.

Action Item: Postal workers, call in with your stories! 206-984-4FUN!

Direct download: jjgo181023_ep554a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Actor, writer, and podcaster Janet Varney joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the unusual middle ground that Werther's Original hard candy occupies, Jordan's true fear around visiting the Warner Brother's Halloween haunt this year, the opulent mcmansion Janet visited to consult a psychic medium, and the bodily fluid challenge Jordan faced on his recent whirlwind podcast promotional tour. Plus, Janet has a new show called Fortune Rookie on IFC!

Action Item: Postal workers call in with your stories! 206-984-4FUN

Direct download: jjgo181016_ep553a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Comedian David Gborie joins Jordan and Jesse for an exploration of songs that car horns can honk out, a detailed character rendering of David's garage grandpa neighbor Kyle, and a debate over whether or not Jordan should realize his childhood dream by buying a full-sized Ms. Pac Man arcade cabinet. 

Direct download: jjgo181009_ep552a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Writer and podcaster Elizabeth Laime joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the special Daddy's Day Out when Jesse took his kids to the roller rink, the magical Catherine Keener-esque teacher who somehow manages to get Jesse's son to clean up, and the obnoxious toy robot that is ruining Jesse's life. Plus, Elizabeth busts out her dynamic pterodactyl impression and Jordan creates a new Ernest movie.

Direct download: jjgo181002_ep551a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Dan McCoy and Elliott Kalan from the Max Fun podcast The Flop House join Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of graham crackers and other naughty breakfasts, Dan's identity as a baker in Jon Stewart's eyes, and the best songs written specifically for a movie.  Plus, Jesse has some complicated questions about gray beard hairs, Elliott runs down a list of funny things his son has said recently, and Jordan describes his visit to a restaurant owned by a cult. 
Direct download: jjgo180925_ep550.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Kevin Porter and Caroline Ely from the podcast Good Christian Fun join Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of how many cigarettes everyone has smoked, Caroline's top breads, and the catchiness of a Christian pop punk anthem about abstinence. Plus, a cool ass baby shows up to spit on the Hippocratic Oath, and everyone does their best to punch up an orgy.

Direct download: jjgo180918_ep549a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24am PST

Writer and podcaster Ben Blacker joins Jordan and Jesse for a debate over what should be included in the holy trinity of dippin' sauces, a rundown of Ben's ambitious weekend including a birthday party talent show, and a new mystery from Jordan concerning his jocular swimming coach, and the discovery of a very important note from Jesse's wife that could change his life forever.  Plus, Ben has a new comic book coming out called Hex Wives!

Direct download: jjgo180911_ep548a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Comedian, writer, and host Guy Branum joins Jordan and Jesse for some fruit talk including the riskiness of stone fruits and the appeal of jazz apples, a warning concerning the dangers of a recreational Ricola cough drop as a gateway to more powerful cough drops, and a meditation on the anachronistic popularity of the song Stacey's Mom. Plus, Guy has a new memoir out called My Life as a Goddess.

Get Guy's new book here!

Direct download: jjgo180904_ep547.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Esteemed screenwriters and podcasters John August and Craig Mazin join Jordan and Jesse for a deep dive on the nuances of eating pancakes, a dissection of John's recent experience taking his daughter to see Panic! At The Disco for her first concert, and the revelation that Craig has worked with the monkey from Friends and she gets paid in yogurt. Plus, we take a few calls from couples celebrating the most wonderful time of the year -- Anal August!

Direct download: jjgo180828_ep546.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Writers and podcasters Sean Clements and Hayes Davenport from The Hollywood Handbook podcast join Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of how Sean's dog Bosch has figured out the ocean, Jordan's co-working space mystery, and the time Jesse locked himself out of his cabin.

Direct download: jjgo180821_ep545a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Comedians and writers Naomi Ekperigin and Andy Beckerman join Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the childhood movies that everyone would be disappointed to hear are problematic now, the ominous tagline for the movie Christopher Robin, and the trauma of panicking during an altercation with authority.  Plus, Jordan tries to make up for the cumulative damage he's done to Guy Fieri's reputation over the years with some nice compliments. 

Check out Naomi and Andy's podcast Couples Therapy here!

And if you haven't finished BUBBLE, the whole show is available for your binging pleasure!

Direct download: jjgo180814_ep544a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:14am PST

Culture critic and podcaster Linda Holmes joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the fact that Playboys can make up a large part of a barbershop's magazine repertoire, Peter Krause's offhand comment   about Sports Night during a TCA panel, and how great the Popstar deleted scenes are. Plus, the momentous occasion calls this week are particularly high stakes, involving a thrilling car chase and a very special butt. 

In case you've been waiting to binge the whole series, the BUBBLE finale is here!  Finish out the series!

Direct download: jjgo180807_ep543.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33am PST

Jordan takes the reigns this week and is joined by actress and writer Mara Wilson and comedian and writer Marina Shifrin for a discussion of how Marina's father reacted to the sex stories in her new book, Mara's love of the Magnolia Park neighborhood in Burbank, and the powerful nostalgia of Empire Records. Plus, Jordan brings in some malt beverages for the beloved summer drink taste test segment.  

Check out Mara's Substack newsletter, "Shant We Tell the Vicar?" here!

Check out Marina's new book, "30 Before 30: How I Made a Mess of My 20s, and You Can Too" here!

And, of course, BUBBLE is still going strong -- episode seven is out and the big finale is coming this week!

Subscribe to BUBBLE on iTunes!

Or use this feed for your other podcatcher needs:

Direct download: jjgo180731_ep542a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

MC Paul Barman joins Jordan and Jesse to talk about the gargantuan rainstick Jesse nearly purchased at the Eagle Rock Goodwill, the highs and the lows of the La Brea Tar Pits, and Paul's new album (((echo chamber))). Plus, the guys get a momentous occasion call so exciting they consider ending the segment.

Check out Paul's album here!

And don't forget, BUBBLE is still going strong - listen to episode SIX now!

Subscribe to BUBBLE on iTunes!

Or use this feed for your other podcatcher needs:

Direct download: jjgo180724_ep541a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Actress and bon vivant Janie Haddad Tompkins joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of how Jordan's happy place is tubing on a river even though he's never been, Jesse's daddy-daughter trip to Daiso, the Japanese Dollar Fifty Store, and Janie's plan to use speed bumps and a ghost story as a marketing technique.  Plus, they get into Janie's great work on BUBBLE. Episode five is out now and they're going to be doing a panel at San Diego Comic Con this week!

Direct download: jjgo180717_ep540.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Comedian, TV writer, and BUBBLE writer Janine Brito joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of everyone's go-to sleepover movie rentals, the tale of how Janine used the Nextdoor app to keep a surprisingly valuable tortoise from being sold on the black market, and Jesse's need for Janine's (and listeners') boat expertise.  Plus, Jordan coins a new summer mindset!
Direct download: jjgo180710_ep539.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Actor, comedian, and photographer Steve Agee joins Jordan and Jesse to discuss Jesse's ultimate businessman power move of flying to San Francisco for lunch, Jordan's arsenal of activities that keep his fear of being bored on a plane at bay, and Jesse's experience finding the power within himself after learning how to take a nap. Also: Steve is in an upcoming episode of BUBBLE!

Listen to BUBBLE today! Episode Three is out now!

Subscribe on iTunes!

Or use this feed for your other podcatcher needs:

Direct download: jjgo180703_ep538.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Comedian, voice actress, and one of the stars of BUBBLE Cristela Alonzo joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Cristela's Disneyland rider when she does voice over for Disney, the streaming commercials that viscerally upset Jordan and Jesse, and the role that the United States Post Office played in Jesse cementing his manhood. Plus, Jordan debuts a new nickname he got from a chill dude friend of a friend named Rich.

LISTEN TO BUBBLE! Episode Two is out now!

Subscribe on iTunes!

Or use this feed for your other podcatcher needs:

Direct download: jjgo180626_ep537.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Nick "Repeat" Adams joins Jordan and Jesse to talk about what memes and gifs they can create to push their new scripted sci-fi comedy podcast BUBBLE to the top of the iTunes charts, Nick's advocacy for putting a large statue or totem pole in or around your house to mark your territory, and Jesse's incredible Lyft miscommunication that left him criss-crossing Los Angeles for hours. 

Listen to the first episode of BUBBLE now!

Subscribe on iTunes and get it to the top of those charts!

Or use this feed for your other podcatcher needs:

Direct download: jjgo180619_ep536.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Fan favorite Eliza Skinner joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of not only the abundance of confederate monuments in Eliza's hometown of Richmond, but also the thriving art community; the evocative fish dick hand motion from The Shape of Water; Annette Bening's power move during a film Q&A; and Eliza's key role in MaxFun's new scripted sci-fi comedy podcast BUBBLE. 

Subscribe to Bubble today!

Apple iTunes

Bubble on MaximumFun.Org

Feed for other podcatchers:

Check out the trailer now!

And if you are in Los Angeles, come to the Bubble launch party on June 12th at Dynasty Typewriter!  Get tickets here!

Direct download: jjgo180612_ep535.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:10am PST

Comedian and podcaster Helen Hong joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Helen's recent trip to Adana, Turkey for a USO tour, the buttwashing toilet that Jesse has in his very own home, and the generous gift Helen recently received consisting of a bag of high tech dildos.  Plus, we discuss the newly-announced sci-fi comedy podcast BUBBLE created by Jordan and produced by Maximum Fun!!  


Apple iTunes

Bubble on MaximumFun.Org

Feed for other podcatchers:

Check out the trailer now!

And if you are in Los Angeles, come to the Bubble launch party on June 12th at Dynasty Typewriter!  Get tickets here!

Direct download: jjgo180605_ep534.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Comedian and filmmaker Hari Kondabolu is our guest on the program this week and they get into Jesse's journey on the road to loving mangoes, the power of Hari's Twitter feed to make history, and Jordan's involvement in a playlist battle between a Weezer fan and a Dave Matthews Band fan. Plus, Hari talks about his new Netflix special, Warn Your Relatives and his very public struggle with The Simpsons.

SAVE THE DATE: The MaxFun Super Secret Project is dropping June 13th!  There will be a STAR-STUDDED Super Secret Release Show on June 12th at Dynasty Typewriter in Los Angeles.  Mark your calendars!

Direct download: jjgo180529_ep533.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Podcaster, musician, and writer Allie Goertz joins Jordan and Jesse and they get into Allie's recent visit to an Austin Powers themed bar called Electric Pussycat, the new song Jordan sang to his cat Bug, what it takes to be Jesse's favorite comic book store, and the abundance of superhero statues at the MAD Magazine headquarters. 
Direct download: jjgo180522_ep532a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Alison Rosen joins Jordan and Jesse as they "candy up" and get into a discussion of Alison's son's media diet, the similarities of Jesse's baby Curtis to an afro-haitian dancer, and how the title of Alison's new book (Tropical Attire Encouraged (and Other Phrases That Scare Me)) was inspired by a party thrown by Maria Menounos. Plus, Jordan has both a new dresser and a pet dilemma and a momentous occasion call helps remind everyone that there is still some magic in the world.

Direct download: jjgo180515_ep531.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Bill Corbett joins the guys as Jordan recovers from shrimp overload after eating a delicious and giant shrimp po' boy sandwich for lunch and they get into the positive effect of Guy Fieri, the non-Halloween recreational usage of dry ice, and a Jesse explains how his family is handling "holiday monsters" like the Tooth Fairy and Santa.  Plus, everyone goes deep on a shrimp hypothetical and Dr. Anus comes around to put a camera up everyone's butt. 

Direct download: jjgo180508_ep530.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:03am PST

Actress and comedian Aparna Nancherla joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Jesse's big birthday lunch with potentially too much pie, Jordan's desire to live in another city for a short time for a showbiz job, and whether or not The Rock's ability to make a prestige film is hampered by the fact that he looks like a cartoon strong man.  

Direct download: jjgo180501_ep529a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Writer Ben Gruber joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of the instant brotherhood that men with beards share, the intricacies of Ben's job as an omnipresent PA on Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?, and the various television dancers who helped awaken each guy's burgeoning sexuality. Plus, Jordan poses a mystery concerning an encounter with a man in a track suit at a Del Taco and Ben talks about his new animated Amazon show Little Big Awesome.

Direct download: jjgo180424_ep528.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:15am PST

Director and actor Kimmy Gatewood joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of her wrestling injuries from her time on Netflix's G.L.O.W., Jordan's childhood friends who had a secret Sega Genesis they hid from their strict parents, and Jesse's complicated feelings about indie wrestling and minor league basketball.

Direct download: jjgo180417_ep527.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Celebrated writer and podcaster Elliott Kalan joins Jordan and Jesse for this very special MaxFunDrive episode!  They get into the magical celebrity graveyard trips Elliott and his son take, Jesse's favorite museum in London, and Elliott's dream Michael B Jordan role.  Plus, Laura Swisher, MaxFun's Senior Producer joins in to take calls and talk about the amazing bonus content from across the network.

Now is the best time to support the shows you love!!

Direct download: jjgo180410_ep526.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:23am PST

Griffin McElroy joins Jordan and Jesse for a very special MaxFunDrive episode!  They get deep into adolescent confusions like when you should start shaving and the undiscussed phenomena of bumps under your nipples, the majesty and the fear that the Grand Canyon inspires, and the mystery behind the vampiric existence of Count from Sesame Street.  

If you want to be a part of the amazing group of people who support Jordan, Jesse, Go! head over to!  Now is the best time to join or upgrade!

Direct download: jjgo180403_ep525.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST

Jordan and Jesse take a break from their usual topic to chat with fellow MaxFun podcaster Renée Colvert from Can I Pet Your Dog?. They get into Jesse's recent trip to Legoland, Jordan's Santa bar crawl jaunt, and the many jobs Renée has worked throughout her life, including singing at a Macaroni Grill and getting bitten by a monkey on stage at a theme park.  

Direct download: jjgo180327_ep524.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24am PST

Jordan and Jesse as they set aside their usual topic to have a nice chat with cabaret performer Mat Ricardo.  They get into the fog of horniness permeating The Magic Castle at Mat's performance the night before, the fact that Jordan can present as any type of nerd, and the time a woman used a bodily function to critique Mat's street performance.  Plus, they take calls from people who have gotten foreign objects stuck in their bodies!  

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

The guys forego their usual topic this week to have a juicy chat with musician and podcaster John Roderick.  They get into the bargain you make when you decide to start swimming at 6am, the history of John's missing front tooth, and the very real possibility that Jesse is a shark-man because he still has a baby tooth well into his 30's.  Plus, John talks about his new war movie podcast, Friendly Fire.

Direct download: jjgo180313_ep522.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44am PST

Jordan and Jesse take a break from their usual topic to welcome beloved return guest, comedy writer Sarah Morgan, for a discussion about Jordan's recent unlikely patriotic moment, Sarah's quest for a video game system for her daughter, the british condiment Gentlemen's Relish, and Jesse's new era of life as a dank daddy.

Direct download: jjgo180306_ep521.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50pm PST

Jordan and Jesse take a break from their usual uninformed Paleo diet talk to chat with friend and podcaster from MaxFun shows The Greatest Generation, The Greatest Discovery, and now Friendly Fire.  They get into the surprisingly good Bloodhound Gang cover Jesse heard at a college basketball game, Jordan's fear of getting hit in the neck by a paintball, and the reason you should consider hanging in there with a cult. 

Direct download: jjgo180227_ep520.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Comedian, actress, and host of's comedy quiz show Go Fact Yourself joins Jordan and Jesse as they take a break from their usual topic and have a nice chat about Helen's experience working with Sir Patrick Stewart, the creative peaks and valleys of Seth MacFarland's career, and Jordan's controversial opinion of a canonical sci-fi movie.  Plus, musician Rachael Cantu joins in for Momentous Occasions and plays a song from her new album.

Direct download: jjgo180219_ep519.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Nick Wiger, comedy writer and podcaster, joins Jordan and Jesse as they take a break from their usual topic for a discussion of the wedding Nick and Jordan attended at the Madonna Inn, Jesse's recent call to 9-1-1, and the perils of living in Santa Monica.  

Direct download: jjgo180213_ep518a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Jordan and Jesse take a break from their usual studio recording for a live episode from the Gateway Theater in San Francisco as part of the 2018 SF Sketchfest with special guests Andy Richter, Alison Rosen, and Bayonics.

Direct download: jjgo180206_ep517.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:16am PST

Jordan and Jesse take a break from their usual topic to have a lively chat with comedian and podcaster Ricky Carmona.  They get into the weaponizing of cold brew coffee, the different cultures who may or may not pronounce the "l" in salmonand the terrifying film set outside the office.  

Direct download: jjgo180130_ep516.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Jordan and Jesse take a break from their usual deep dive on weather to shoot the breeze with writer and voice-over celebrity Haley Mancini. They get into the time Haley and Jordan judged a raucous cat poetry contest; Haley's obese kitty, BB-8; and Jesse's daughter's magical new holiday.

Action Item: Call in about the things you've lost inside your body! 206-984-4FUN!

It's the last week to buy the 2018 JJGo slogan t-shirt -- Hard As A Rock, Wet As A River! Get it by Wednesday January 24th at 5pm!

Direct download: jjgo180123_ep515.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Jordan and Jesse take a break from their usual topic of floor covering to do an extra special Q&A episode with comedian and writer Kevin Avery.  From everyone's top chip to the possibility that psychics are the real deal, the guys take on a myriad of important topics.  

Get your 2018 JJGo Slogan Shirts here!

Direct download: jjgo180116_ep514.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:07am PST

Eliza Skinner joins Jordan and Jesse as they forego their usual topic and instead have a nice chat about this year's motivational slogan, Eliza's Girl Scout gold award, and Jordan's harrowing experience getting an earbud stuck in his ear on an airplane.

Action Item: What have you gotten lost in your body? Or pulled out of someone else's?  Call us!  206-984-4FUN

Direct download: jjgo180109_ep513.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09am PST

Live from the London Podcast Festival in London, Jordan and Jesse are joined by celebrity podcaster Helen Zaltzman and author and screenwriter Nick Hornby for a discussion of their AirBnB in London, Jordan's trip to Paris, and Nick's history of naming things on the show.

Direct download: jjgo180102_ep512.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST