Jordan, Jesse GO!
What is the dumbest show you can imagine? This award-winning show may be dumber. It has no content. No format. Yet it's going on ten years of delighting hundreds of thousands of people. It's been an iTunes editors choice, and Rolling Stone picked it as one of the world's best comedy podcasts. It's light in the dark, comfort in the cold and a penguin in the pants (long story). Join hosts Jesse Thorn (NPR's Bullseye) and Jordan Morris (Comedy Central's @Midnight) and a celebrity guest on a raucous, vulgar and warm-hearted romp that will probably leave you a better person. And will certainly make you dumber.

Dave Ross (The Only Man Who Has Ever Had Sex) joins Jordan and Jesse to talk about Jordan's new strategy for keeping the stank out of his Comfycush Vans, Dave's time doing comedy on Warped Tour, and Jordan's perfect day at Universal Studios riding the new Jurassic Park ride and eating churros. Plus, Dave has a new comedy album out called The Only Man Who Has Ever Had Sex!

Go to to get your hands on some sweet Summer Boys of Summer Tour merch!

Direct download: jjgo190827_ep599.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Scott Gairdner (Podcast: The Ride podcast) and Jason Sheridan (Podcast: The Ride podcast) join Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Jesse's recent oral surgery and the gentle manner in which his dentist scolds him, the intense tournament that Jason and Scott held on their theme park/entertainment podcast to determine the best fake rocks in the world, and the various strategies one might employ to revive a stressed-out hummingbird. Plus, Jordan launches a new plan to harness the power of the podcast audience.

Go to to get your hands on some sweet Summer Boys of Summer Tour merch!

Direct download: jjgo190820_ep598.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Brea Grant (Reading Glasses podcast) joins Jordan and Jesse for a discussion of Brea's recent work stint in Bulgaria, Jordan's firm stance on not eating flowers, and the surprisingly romantic story of Brea's friend who got pink eye from munching ass. Plus, we'd like to wish a very happy Anal August to everyone out there!

Go to to get your Summer Boys of Summer merch!

Direct download: jjgo190813_ep597.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Live from Washington, D.C. and Austin, Texas -- it's PART THREE of The Summer Boys of Summer Tour with special guests Linda Holmes (Evvie Drake Starts Over), Glen Weldon (The Caped Crusade), Stephen Thompson (NPR's The Good Listener column), Rachel McElroy (Wonderful podcast) and Griffin McElroy (Wonderful podcast, My Brother, My Brother and Me podcast)!

Couldn't make it to a live Summer Boys of Summer show? Grab a beach ball, a poster, or a challenge coin from and feel like you did!

Direct download: jjgo190806_ep596a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am PST